
Mission Statement:

The Burlington Township Fire Department exists to professionally serve and protect the residents, businesses, and visitors to our community. We will strive to prevent and intervene safely at fires, motor vehicle accidents, and situations that affect public safety. We will also commit to continuously improve our services through communications, team work, education and training.

About Burlington Township Fire Department

The Burlington Township Fire Department serves approximately 22,500 residents in a 14.72 square mile area. Burlington Township is roughly half way between Trenton and Camden NJ, with portions bordered by the Delaware River. Three volunteer fire companies cover the residential, commercial and industrial properties that make up the township. The department also responds to incidents on the 3 major highways that intersect the town, the NJ Turnpike, I-295 and NJ Route 130 as well as the Conrail/NJ Transit rail line.

Fire District No. 1 of the Township of Burlington was established on May 31, 1990 for the purpose of providing the prevention and extinguishment of fires within Burlington Township. The Burlington Township Fire Department is comprised of three volunteer fire companies: Independent Fire Company No. 1 (Established 1914), Beverly Road Fire Company No. 2 (Established 1925), and Relief Fire Company No. 3 (Established 1957).
The Fire District is governed by a Board of Fire Commissioners who are elected by the registered voters of the Township of Burlington. Each year, the board is responsible for submitting a budget to the State of New Jersey for review and approval. In accordance with New Jersey State Law, the budget is presented to the voters of Burlington Township on the third Saturday in February between the hours of 2:00 PM and 9:00 PM for a vote. Election of Fire Commissioners also occurs at this time.

The budgeted funds are collected through a dedicated fire tax in order to provide the community with the proper equipment needed to prevent and suppress any fire or emergency situation that may occur within our community. These funds help to provide for apparatus, training, and other equipment needed by our volunteers to successfully carry out their responsibilities. All district funds are safeguarded to provide accountability and are audited by an independent accounting firm.